OXO Packaging
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OXO Packaging
hot dog sleeve packaging
Custom Hot Dog Sleeve

Frozen and cooked hot dogs can be sold at wholesale prices in custom paper hot dog sleeves. You can acquire wholesale prices from OXO Packaging if you choose the best material, printing design, and packaging style. We are a dependable box manufacturer with a competent staff. OXO Packaging's hot dog packaging sleeves provide a secure way for restaurants to package their hot dogs. Because of the hot dog holders paper, customers can enjoy hot dogs from the paper hot dog trays, still steaming hot. In addition, OXO Packaging sells sturdy containers for hot dogs. So contact us now and let’s create the perfect hot dog packaging sleeves together.


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Stylishly Customized Sleeves

Hot dogs are the most famous street food in the US. The easiest way to make your hot dogs the best seller is by utilizing custom hot dog sleeves from OXO Packaging. We design stylish sleeves for your hot dogs that make presenting them better.

More Than +5000 Satisfied Clients Worldwide
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What We Give
Create Custom Boxes Quick and Easy

Get your custom boxes made in the required size, shape, and style.


Upload your artwork and get it superbly printed the way you want.

Get it done

Order any quantity, enjoy a wholesale price, pay no extra for die plates.

customized hot dog boxes
Product Specification

Box Style

Tray and Sleeve

Dimension (L + W + H)

All Custom Sizes and Shapes


No Minimum Order Required


100lb C1S / C2S, 120lb C1S / C2S, 200lb C1S / C2S, Kraft Card Stock (80lb, & 100lb), Corrugated Stock


No Printing, CMYK, CMYK + 1 PMS color, CMYK + 2 PMS colors


Gloss Lamination, Matte Lamination, Gloss AQ, Gloss UV, Matte UV, Spot UV, Embossing, Foiling

Included Options

Die Cutting, Gluing, Scored,Perforation

Additional Options

Eco-Friendly, Recycled Boxes, Biodegradable


Flat View, 3D Mock-up, Physical Sampling (On request)


4 - 8 Business Days, RUSH



Get A Quote Now

Our well-customized hot dog sleeves are an excellent way to win the market. They are your perfect branding and promotional solution with a meager price tag. So what are you waiting for? Fill out this form now for a free quote on our pricing.

customized hot dog packaging
Instant Quote

Fill this form if you are not sure about the dimensions.

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Stock Type & Thickness
We use cardboard material with the least environmental impact and minimizes waste generation.
Kraft paper is a strong, durable and reliable material that is widely used across many different industries.
Rigid is highly protective, affordable and recyclable material. These boxes provide maximum protection.
Corrugated material is easy to customize, cost effective and sustainable. It is also great for branding purposes.
Finishing Assortment
Foil Stamping
Decorate a wide range of your product packaging with our foil stamping.
Spot UV
Our high-gloss UV coating gives light and shine to cure the printed material's varnish.
Our glossy finishing gives your packaging an extra layer of shine.
Holographic Foiling
Holographic foil diffracts light and reveals the colors of the rainbow at various angles.
With our embossing technique, we transfer the finest details of your product on packaging.
We use debossing technique to add unique graphics into your packaging.
With our matte finish, fingerprints and smudges will now be less visible on the packaging.
Soft Touch Lamination
We add additional layer of protection with soft touch lamination from toner chipping.

Hot Dog Sleeves for Hot Dog Packaging

Hot dogs can be enjoyed in the greatest of comfort due to the hot dog holders paper, which securely places the hot dog in the hot dog boxes. A hot dog is a popular fast food option in many parts of the world. Hot dogs are one of the most popular fast food options due to their convenient availability and irresistible flavor. Hot dog Packaging Sleeves are in high demand due to the food item's rising popularity. Everyone gets hungry when they see a hot dog paper hot dog sleeve filled with grilled sausages in long, freshly baked buns.

The Promotional Value of Hot Dog Sleeves

The promotional value of hot dog sleeves and their ability to foster loyal customer relationships cannot be overstated. However, the packaging for hot dogs is what sells them. Do you sell hot dogs or hot dog-based snacks and want to make them more appealing to customers and enhance sales? Personalized hot dog holders paper is the optimal answer to all packaging problems.

  • Custom Designed Hot Dog Holders Paper

Hot dog holders paper may now be designed to meet the specific needs of each consumer due to improvements in printing technology and other production areas. Hot dog packaging sleeves can be made from various materials, from Kraft and cardboard to corrugated stock, to provide a visual feast for the eyes. The hot dog packaging in stores is made of food-grade kraft, preventing spoilage and not affecting the flavor.

  • Different Types of Hot Dog Sleeves

Customers are more likely to trust the brand because eco-friendly materials protect packaged food. The proportions and design are based on the sizes of hot dogs. Wax-coated hot dog packaging sleeves make it possible to keep the food tasty and smelling fresh.

Unlimited Customizations Available for Hot Dog Sleeve

As there is no limit to the number of designs and prints that may be applied to custom hot dog sleeves, they are a great promotional tool. Digital and offset printing can be used to make your paper hot dog packaging sleeves stand out by printing your logo and the ingredients of your product on it. You'll be able to reach a wider audience and boost your brand recognition as a result.

Hot dogs have a recognizable form that draws in customers (a rectangular tray) because it stands out from the crowd. When stored in a hot dog holders paper, the hot dogs maintain their heat for up to two hours. Here are some benefits of customized hot dog packaging sleeves.

  • Leave Behind Your Competitors

With almost weekly product launches in the food market, competition is heating up. Even established firms are struggling to make ends meet in today's market. Constructing brand awareness and loyalty through distinctive packaging is a significant support in these circumstances.

Packaging that prominently displays the brand's emblem can act as a persuasive salesperson for the product. Having custom hot dog sleeves made is a great way to advertise your brand and set yourself apart from the competition. These Cookie Sleeves are both entertaining and functional for customers.

  • Be a Little More Environmentally Responsible

Customers are increasingly aware of their environmental impact due to rising pollution and temperatures. In today's market, consumers will only buy eco-friendly brands. Cute hot dog holders paper built from eco-friendly materials can do wonders for your company's reputation. They not only tell the world that you are concerned about the environment but also readily trust you with their hot dog holders paper's quality and designs.

  • Boost your Sales With Custom Hot Dog Sleeves

Consumer spending can be affected by offering personalized hot dog packaging sleeves. The packaging market for hot dogs has been revolutionized due to this packaging. Design your paper hot dog sleeves with neatly printed branding elements to make a favorable first impression on customers. You may increase your brand's visibility and credibility with the help of paper hot dog sleeves. Put your brand's logo up and center to gain consumer trust and loyalty.

  • The Ease of Use for Customers

Customers can take their delicious hot dogs on the go without worrying about burning their hands or soiling their clothes due to the convenient carry-out packaging. Boxes with vibrant colors and eye-catching designs are ideal for showcasing hot dogs.  In addition, customers are attracted to businesses that use hot dog sleeves wholesale because these sleeves are strong enough to maintain the food's original form while shipping.

  • Hot Dog Sleeves Wholesale

Hot dog packaging is an integral aspect of your brand. Your brand's success is on checking off these essential Tray and Sleeve Boxes. As a result of purchasing hot dog sleeves in bulk at a wholesale price, you can save money on packaging by buying in larger quantities. You can put those cost savings back into expanding your company and building your name into a household name. You can never go wrong when you use wholesale hot dog boxes as a stepping stone to the top of the corporate ladder.

Why Choose OXO Packaging?

OXO Packaging is counted among the leading packaging companies in Australia. We provide packaging in high-quality material and are committed to providing more than 95% printing and design accuracy. Not only that, we are more than happy to provide free generic samples and free delivery and our turn-around time is only 12 to 15 business days. Is there anything else you can ask for??

Contact us now to get your queries answered and place your orders immediately!!

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