OXO Packaging
(510) 500-9533|[email protected]
OXO Packaging
Custom CBD Jars
Custom CBD Jars

The CBD industry is growing at a rapid speed. In this competitive world of CBD products, customizable jars play a crucial role in preserving the integrity of the product and creating a lasting impression on consumers. Whether you're a startup looking to establish a distinctive image or an existing CBD brand seeking to redefine your identity, our impeccably crafted CBD jars and their colorfully printed boxes are here to uplift your brand presence with grandeur.


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CBD Jars that Win Hearts!

CBD jars are versatile in accommodating various CBD products, from oils and tinctures to balms and salves. OXO Packaging, a leader in the packaging industry, brings you a range of premium CBD jars along with high-quality packaging boxes designed to meet the unique needs of the CBD market.

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What We Give
Create Custom Boxes Quick and Easy

Get your custom boxes made in the required size, shape, and style.


Upload your artwork and get it superbly printed the way you want.

Get it done

Order any quantity, enjoy a wholesale price, pay no extra for die plates.

Custom CBD Jars Section 1
Product Specification

Box Style

CBD Jars

Dimension (L + W + H)

All Custom Sizes & Shapes


No Minimum Order Required


High Quality ( Desired Material )


Any Color


Glossy or matte finish outside, gold or silver color inside

Included Options

Candle, food, gifts, tea, cosmetics, electronic products, and more. Quality Control with in-house supervision and QC.

Additional Options

Customization available for size, logo, and embossing to meet clients' specific requirements.


Flat View, 3D Mock-up, Physical Sampling (On request)


15-20 Business Days, Rush



Order Now!

At OXO Packaging, we specialize in offering top-quality CBD jars and their boxes that keep your CBD products safe & secure. Simply complete our quote form, and get a quick quote. Rest assured, our expert team is ready to assist you every step of the way.

Custom CBD Jars Section 2
Instant Quote

Fill this form if you are not sure about the dimensions.

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Stock Type & Thickness
We use cardboard material with the least environmental impact and minimizes waste generation.
Kraft paper is a strong, durable and reliable material that is widely used across many different industries.
Rigid is highly protective, affordable and recyclable material. These boxes provide maximum protection.
Corrugated material is easy to customize, cost effective and sustainable. It is also great for branding purposes.
Finishing Assortment
Foil Stamping
Decorate a wide range of your product packaging with our foil stamping.
Spot UV
Our high-gloss UV coating gives light and shine to cure the printed material's varnish.
Our glossy finishing gives your packaging an extra layer of shine.
Holographic Foiling
Holographic foil diffracts light and reveals the colors of the rainbow at various angles.
With our embossing technique, we transfer the finest details of your product on packaging.
We use debossing technique to add unique graphics into your packaging.
With our matte finish, fingerprints and smudges will now be less visible on the packaging.
Soft Touch Lamination
We add additional layer of protection with soft touch lamination from toner chipping.

Premium Quality Materials: 

OXO Packaging understands the importance of maintaining the purity and freshness of CBD products. That's why our CBD jars are crafted from high-quality materials that provide an airtight seal and protect the contents from external elements. Rest assured that all materials we use are highly sustainable and recyclable. They don’t pose any threat to this atmosphere. Here is the list of materials we use to manufacture CBD jars: 

  • Glass: Glass is a popular choice for CBD jars due to its durability, impermeability, and ability to preserve the product's freshness. It also provides a premium look and feel. 
  • Plastic (PET, HDPE, or PP): Plastic jars are lightweight, shatter-resistant, and cost-effective. We use PET (polyethylene terephthalate), HDPE (high-density polyethylene), and PP (polypropylene) plastics for CBD jars that are recyclable and sustainable. 
  • Acrylic: Acrylic jars offer a clear and transparent appearance similar to glass but are lighter and less prone to breakage. 
  • Metal: Some CBD jars may have metal components, such as lids or closures. Metal can provide a sleek and modern aesthetic. These jars are reusable and can be used several times. 

Customize CBD Jars Packaging Here! 

One size does not fit all in the CBD industry, and OXO Packaging recognizes this. Our CBD jars come with a variety of customization options that give you the freedom to choose the size, shape, and color that aligns with your brand identity. Add your logo, branding elements, and product information to create unique and eye-catching CBD jars boxes that stand out on the shelves. 

Child-Resistant Features: 

Safety is a top priority, especially when it comes to CBD products. OXO Packaging's CBD jars are designed with child-resistant features that keep your CBD products securely sealed and inaccessible to young children. This not only adheres to industry regulations but also provides peace of mind to consumers. 

UV Protection: 

CBD products are sensitive to light, and exposure to UV rays can degrade their quality. OXO Packaging's CBD jars and coated boxes come with UV protection that safeguards the potency of your products and extends their shelf life. This feature is particularly important for CBD products that may sit on shelves for extended periods. 

Sustainable Options: 

As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, OXO Packaging offers sustainable and eco-friendly options for CBD jars. Choose from recyclable materials to reduce your environmental footprint while maintaining the premium quality and functionality of the packaging. 

Compliance Assurance: 

Staying compliant with industry regulations is crucial for any CBD business. We, at OXO Packaging, ensure that our CBD jars and their boxes meet or exceed regulatory standards and provide you with the confidence that your products are packaged responsibly and legally. 

Collaborate with OXO Packaging for Premium Packaging Solutions: 

At OXO Packaging, we serve as your trusted partner for high-quality packaging solutions for CBD jars at market-competitive prices that are tailored to suit your unique packaging requirements. As a prominent player in the packaging industry, we not only deliver cost-effective options but also bring additional advantages that set us apart from the rest. Our competitive pricing, free shipping, and fast turnaround time make us the first choice of every small to large size business. Beyond affordability, we provide numerous benefits to address the varied needs of clients in the CBD industry, including complimentary design support, utilization of top-notch materials, no die or plate charges, cutting-edge printing techniques, round-the-clock customer service, and accommodating minimum order quantities. Boost your brand presence with our exceptional, stylish, protective CBD jar. To initiate an order or obtain an instant quote for your small or bulk orders, call us at (510) 500-9533 or email [email protected]. Our dedicated team is available 24/7 to assist you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I order a sample of the CBD jars before making a bulk purchase? 

Absolutely! We understand the importance of assessing the quality and design of our CBD jars. You can contact our sales team to request a sample order, allowing you to ensure that our jars meet your brand's standards. 

Is it possible to order CBD jars in smaller quantities for a limited edition or trial launch of a new product? 

Certainly! OXO Packaging accommodates both small and large orders for CBD jars. Whether you're introducing a limited edition or conducting a trial run for a new product, we can fulfill smaller quantities to suit your specific requirements. 

Are there additional customization options available for CBD jars? 

Of course, we provide various customization options for your CBD jars. This includes special finishes, labeling, and other personalized touches to add uniqueness to your packaging. Feel free to discuss your specific requirements with our team.

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